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How Interview Scheduling Platforms Can Save Recruiters Hours

How Interview Scheduling Platforms Can Save Recruiters Hours

Scheduling an interview seems very easy. All you have to do is call the candidate, fix the time, and voila! You are done. But unfortunately, that’s not how it works. Two out of three recruiters say that it takes almost two hours to schedule one interview. So, even if you are hiring for a minor role, you end up wasting the entire day just scheduling interviews.

And what about the other crucial tasks? Well, this is why you need an interview scheduling platform. First, on average, an interview scheduling software saves at least 40 minutes per interview. 

There’s more! An interview scheduling platform is also efficient and makes the entire process hassle-free. So, let’s dig deep and understand how interview scheduling platforms can save recruiters hours and simplify the recruitment process. 

How Interview Scheduling Software Saves Time

These are a few ways in which an interview outsourcing company can be a boon and save hours in recruitment. 

How Interview Scheduling Software Saves Time

Automated Scheduling

Interview scheduling software automates the process of coordinating interview times with candidates and interviewers. Now, all you have to do is set your availability. That’s it. And then, the system will automatically find suitable time slots for all parties involved.

This eliminates the need for back-and-forth communication to find a mutually convenient time for interviews. This simple automation saves you hours of manual effort.

Integration with Calendar Systems

One of the advantages of scheduling software is you can seamlessly integrate it with popular calendar systems. It ensures that your calendars are up-to-date and conflicts are automatically identified. So, this also double-bookings.

When you choose a comprehensive platform like InCruiter, you don’t have to switch between different tools or manually update calendars, improving efficiency.

Customizable Interview Workflows

Many interview scheduling platforms allow you to set up customizable interview workflows. This means you can define the stages of the hiring process, including initial interviews, technical assessments, and final interviews. Here, it gives you a structured and organized approach to the hiring process.

Automatic Notifications and Reminders

Interview scheduling platforms can send automatic notifications and reminders to both candidates and interviewers. Here, you no longer have to stay on top of things, such as manually following up with a participant. This also allows you time to focus on your work and other crucial tasks. In fact, you are able to eliminate the likelihood of no-shows or last-minute rescheduling.

Candidate Self-Scheduling

A few platforms allow candidates to self-schedule interviews within predefined time slots once the invite is sent to them. You can set your availability, and all the candidates have to do is choose a time that works for them. Here, it saves not only your time but also the candidates. 

Improved Candidate Experience

A smoother and more organized interview scheduling process means an improved candidate experience. Candidates appreciate a transparent and efficient process, and this can positively impact your brand and help attract top talent.


Adopting an interview scheduling platform like InCruiter proves indispensable for recruiters. As you can see, it saves time and streamlines the hiring process. 

Even if the conventional methods have worked well for you in the past, they demand a significant time investment. But with robust interview outsourcing platforms, you can focus more on the strategic aspects of the job than getting caught up in manual chores like scheduling. Since we live in a tech-savvy era, utilizing the right platform also guarantees a competitive edge. 

Embrace a comprehensive interview outsourcing company like InCruiter today to take your recruitment process to new heights.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. What is the best way to schedule interviews?

Ans: The best way to schedule interviews efficiently is through dedicated interview scheduling software like InCruiter. Automating the hiring process saves you valuable time and resources. 

Q. Are there tools for interview scheduling?

Ans: Yes, there are online interview scheduling tools. They are essential for modern recruitment as they offer a centralized platform to streamline the scheduling process, manage candidate availability, and coordinate seamlessly with hiring teams.

Q. Can we schedule an interview online?

Ans: Yes, interviews can be scheduled online through various platforms. For instance, choosing InCruiter ensures the entire interview process is taken care of. It offers convenience, flexibility, and accessibility for both you and candidates.


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