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Flaws You Might Be Having As A Recruitment Agency

Flaws You Might Be Having As A Recruitment Agency

Do you see your client retention rate declining and bad word of mouth branding by the jobseekers taking your services?

Check out the faults your team might be committing which might be holding you back.

1.) Defunct technology

Answer a simple question, will you use postcards instead of mail to write letters these days?

Times have changed; recent research shows candidates prefer culture, values more than money while choosing an organization and don’t hesitate to switch if they don’t like it there.

From online interviews, ATS system, social branding by organizations to AI-based resume extraction, changes are needed to attract good and tech-driven candidates in this fast-moving world of recruiting.

Relying only on cold calling, personal interviews, emails, etc, can be a deal-breaker for your manpower consultancy. 

2.) One-way communication

Are you attentive enough to revert to inquiries you receive from job seekers and the clients you are hiring for?
Well your candidates are asking for the feedback of their last interview and your client wants to know the status of the candidate, they want to hire. But your team was not timely enough to reply to any of them on priority.

There is a cutthroat competition between recruitment agencies, and your team’s lack of attentiveness can make you lose your lifelong clients and good candidates.

This type of one-way communication, lacking in empathy for job seekers and clients priority creates a dent in reputation and can strike down your recruitment agency brand.

3.) Dearth of multiple industries knowledge

Are your recruiters aware of the industries your client want to hire for or job seekers want to work in?
Manpower is needed in every industry and sectors, and to confirm the same your clients and job seekers will ask for the trends in that industry and information before signing you up.

Clients and candidates won’t trust you if you don’t know much about the industry they work in or want to work for. Lack of knowledge in multiple and diverse industries can be a slow death for manpower consultancy to thrive in this competitive field.

4.) Data extraction

Do you have precise and targeted information about your candidates, apart from the general detail and basic resume?
With lots of data and analytics, recruiters can solve many issues, but huge databases and large information pools can affect the flow of the recruiting process.
Your internal database is full of resumes, and to hire the best candidate you need to extract the resume according to required skills that need more targeted information about your candidates.
So a reliable database with precise and targeted information is needed by the placement agency to manage the recruitment effectively.


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