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What Is Interview As A Service, And How Is It Different From Traditional Hiring Methods?

Interview As A Service: A Modern Approach To Hiring

A decade ago, traditional interview methods were considered the best, but since Interview as a Service (IaaS) came into the picture, businesses have started using it for a wide range of benefits over conventional hiring methods. The growth of InCruiter is the testimony of wide acceptance among businesses of all sizes and segments. 

So what is the IaaS and its offering that has mesmerized organizations and enticed them to switch from traditional to modern hiring? This innovative approach to hiring is designed to help companies save time and resources while improving the overall hiring process. 

Let’s find out more in this blog.

Interview as a Service- What Is That?

What is Interview as a Service

In the simplest possible form, Interview as a Service means outsourcing the initial rounds of interviews to professionals or industry experts. IaaS narrows the list of candidates who applied for your job and selected only the best applicants for further rounds or in-person interviews. 

Interview Outsourcing is a hiring technique that can help conduct interviews of various candidates at once with the help of external freelance interviewers. Unlike Traditional Interviews, when you have to conduct in-person interviews at your office, IaaS helps schedule interviews from anywhere, anytime and significantly reduces costs. 

As the interviewing process happens under the supervision of experts, there is no chance of hiring the wrong candidate.

Why Interview as a Service is the Key to Unlocking Success?

In traditional hiring methods, candidates are asked numerous questions based on various problems they can face while working for the firm.  The candidates whose answers best suit the recruiter go for another round or final selection. 

The biggest problem was scalability, as businesses couldn’t quickly scale up or down the interview process. But, with the rise of Interview as a Service, many employers shifted to it because they found it an easy and cost-effective interviewing method along with high scalability

Interview as a Service is a new trend in the market for interviewing. With the help of IaaS, many companies have benefited, and so will you when you adopt it. 

Traditional hiring methods are suitable, but IaaS is better. From the following points, you will understand why IaaS is your key to Success:

  • IaaS reduces hiring time as you can interview many candidates at once with the help of professionals.
  • It is a cost-effective method, as you don’t have to spend any resources that may arise from in-person interviews.
  • With IaaS, you can find the best and most qualified candidate without much effort.
  • Enhanced data analytics and reporting capabilities for informed hiring decisions through interviews as a service company.
  • IaaS is a bias-free method of interviewing candidates, i.e., the candidates are not judged by their religion, dress, or personal relationships.
  • IaaS brings expertise and experience to your interview process, as by choosing IaaS, you leave it in the hands of professionals.
  • Scalability and flexibility to handle varying interview volumes 
  • Consistency in interview questions and evaluation criteria, bringing better synergy in the hiring process
  • Access to technology-driven tools for candidate assessment, technical interviews, and much more
  • Improved candidate experience through streamlined and efficient interviews.

Emerging Trends in Interview as a Service

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are becoming very common and emerging as a trend in interviews as a service. IaaS and AI have many benefits, and ML adds up to them. 

It becomes straightforward to find the most qualified candidates with the help of AI. The chances of mistakes are nil because of AI and ML, as humans can make mistakes, but machines can’t. 

For example, InCruiter- an interview outsourcing company uses AI to match the CV with JD. AI and ML can also aid you in getting employment history and asking the best questions to testify their skills and knowledge. Moreover, an AI assistant enables the candidates to reschedule their interviews if they need help with any technical glitch.

What Should You Look For In Your Interview As A Service Provider?

Things to look for in an interview as a service provider


The first thing you must look for in your IaaS provider is experience. More experience means more expertise in the field. But you may also look for newcomers, as they will always try to provide you with the best because they want to settle and make a name for themselves in the market.

Technology and Tools

Do the outsource technical interviews agencies have the right technology infrastructure and tools? Look for features such as video interviewing platforms, candidate assessment software, and analytics capabilities. The provider should leverage technology to enhance the interview process and deliver actionable insights.

And while checking all that, don’t miss the data privacy and security. Check whether they follow the robust data security measures for safeguarding the data. 

Ease of use

Always look for an easy-to-use interface with your IaaS provider. A complicated design can make it difficult to schedule interviews and send reports. So, an easy-to-use interface is crucial, and you must always look for an IaaS provider that can provide it.

Pricing of the service

Price is a factor that you must pay attention to when choosing IaaS. You should always thoroughly research the different IaaS providers and their prices. One thing: the companies that provide services at a cheap price play with the quality. 

So, it’s okay to go for a low price, but before choosing that service provider, you must thoroughly research them.

Customization and Flexibility

How can we miss mentioning the customization and flexibility while choosing an interview outsourcing company. With a plethora of applications in use, it’s your responsibility to ensure that the IaaS provider can tailor their services to meet your specific hiring needs. 

They should be flexible in accommodating your organization’s unique requirements. Be it job roles, interview formats, and evaluation criteria, they must accept and customize the platform accordingly. 

How InCruiter stands as a Torchbearer in the Interview as a Service Segment?

What do you want from your IaaS provider: Expertise, Experience, Reputation, and affordability? InCruiter provides it all!  Even if you seek more, we’ve got you covered. 

InCruiter was started in 2018, and since then, we have served 250 + clients. From 45 to 3000 and more, we’re growing bigger and bigger, showing trust in our business model. 

InCruiter is a torchbearer in the Interview as a Service segment in this world of high competition and skyrocketing prices. InCruiter has a pool of professionals helping businesses find the best talent. 

InCruiter prioritizes customer satisfaction more than anything else and strives to provide its customers with the best candidate possible.

Perks of using InCruiter over other Interview as a Service players

Serving 250+ clients worldwide, InCruiter offers outsourced interview solutions to help businesses find the ideal candidates. We have products such as Video Interview Portal, Applicant Tracking System, Interview scheduling software, and more in the market for precise and accurate evaluations. 

Thanks to the demand for Interview as a Service and the trust shown by the clients, we’re global now. Starting from India, we expanded to the USA, Canada, Singapore, and Dubai. So far, we have conducted over 2 million minutes of interviews thanks to the pool of 3000 + freelance interviewers

  • Wider Talent Pool: InCruiter allows its clients to find out the best talent from the global pool of candidates.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: InCruiter enhances the efficiency of the hiring process by saving time and resources for the business.
  • Affordable: InCruiter provides its best services at an affordable price.
  • Better Evaluation: InCruiter evaluates the candidates very carefully, observing the candidate’s body language, skills, and expertise, ensuring the selection of the best candidate.
  • Team of 3000 + freelance interviewers:– InCruiter has a team of experts, so outsource the hiring process and get the best you expect. 


There’s not a single firm that can run without its employees. An employee plays a big hand in getting the firm to greater heights. 

But finding an employee isn’t everything; you have to find and place the employee in a perfect position. To do so, you have to take interviews with the candidates to test their skills and capabilities. Interview as a Service is a solution that helps provide you with the best candidate for the job position you are hiring for.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the charges for  Interview as a Service?

Most Interviews as a Service providers offer four payment models- pay as you go, monthly, quarterly, and annually. It is better to look for free demo and decide for yourself about the service quality before finalizing.

Can I customize the interview?

Yes, Interview as a Service companies provide a wide range of methods to customize the tools for you to make the best out of that.

What are the perks of interview outsourcing?

Outsource the interview for expertise, scalability, cost savings, time efficiency, access to technology/tools, enhanced candidate experience, and consistency. Allows internal HR teams to focus on other strategic HR activities and core business functions with outsourcing.

How does Interview as a Service work?

Once you opt for Interview As A Service (IaaS), experienced interviewers work on your company’s behalf to conduct interviews with candidates. They follow predefined criteria and evaluation methods to assess candidates effectively.

Interview as a Service is best for which types of organizations?

Be it startups, small-sized, medium-sized enterprises, or large corporations, all can benefit from this hiring process.


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