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Impact of Video Interview Software on Campus Hiring

Impact of Video Interview Software on Campus Hiring

In the realm of campus hiring, video interview software has proven to be a game changer. With so many advancements in technology, it is now time to upgrade. Traditional face-to-face interviews have not surpassed the changing times, and that’s why video interviews are so important. This shift has revolutionized the way companies connect and evaluate potential candidates. 

Video interview softwares have transformed the hiring process and is being majorly adopted for campus hiring. In this blog, we will dig deep into the impact of video interview software on campus hiring and why companies should turn to it. 

Why Should you get Video Interview Software?

Why Should you get Video Interview Software?

Video interview software is the need of the hour and plays a crucial part in campus hiring. This cutting-edge technology was created specifically to make the hiring process simple and hassle-free. A video interview platform provides several tools like feedback submission, note-taking, recording interviews, calendar invites, built-in code compilers, etc., that make the interview process efficient. 

It has become crucial for organizations to conduct video interviews as it helps them to hire talent globally and attract suitable candidates. To do so, video software is a must because it streamlines the entire hiring process. It not only saves time and resources but also helps make the hiring process organized and effective. 

How does Video Interview Software Impact Campus Hiring

For the longest time, recruiters have used the traditional face-to-face interview methods for campus hiring. With the developing times, these methods are not sustainable anymore, and that’s why companies are inclining toward video interview softwares. Video interview softwares are much more convenient and come with tons of features that make the hiring process effective. Continue reading to know how video interview software impact campus hiring:

Enhanced Reach

The reach of college hiring has substantially increased because of video interview software. Companies can now interact with a wide range of talent from across the world without being limited by geographical barriers. Employers can now access a larger talent pool, ensuring they discover top talent for their organization during campus hiring

Efficient Screening and Evaluation

Through the video interview platform, the campus hiring process has become more structured and streamlined. Traditionally, employers would conduct multiple rounds of face-to-face interviews, which could be time-consuming and expensive. With video interview platforms, organizations can screen a larger number of candidates in a short span of time. With additional features offered by video interview softwares, like instant feedback, interview scheduling, and live code compiler, recruiters can efficiently evaluate candidates.

Cost and Time Effective

One of the major impacts of video interview software on campus hiring is its cost and time effectiveness. Traditional face-to-face interviews require interview scheduling, travel, and accommodation arrangements, which can be time-consuming and costly. With video interviews, employers and students can save valuable time and resources. This can be easily achieved by taking an interview-as-a-service.

Hiring High Volume

During campus hiring, many multinational companies hire in bulk. This can become a tedious process if done through face-to-face interviews. To simplify the process, good video interview software is a must. Due to the flexibility that asynchronous video interviews provide to hiring managers and candidates, they are useful when filling such huge volumes of positions.

Analysing Candidate’s Tech Savviness

With the help of video interview platforms like InCVid by InCruiter, you can easily check and analyze a candidate’s tech savviness. This will give you an idea of how friendly the candidate is with the latest technologies and can perform during work from home. The recruiters can discuss the candidate’s social media profiles, online portfolio, live work samples, and presentations alongside the interview discussion. 

Better Candidate and Interviewer Experience

Having good video interview software results in a better candidate and interviewer experience. It offers flexibility by allowing candidates to choose convenient time slots for their interviews. This flexibility enables students to better manage their academic commitments, reducing stress and ensuring a smoother interview process. Using a video interview platform also helps interviewers to conduct interviews without any hassle and save a lot of time, making the process of campus hiring effective. 

Features of InCVid

Features of InCruiter's video interview platform

InCVid by InCruiter is a great video interview software that allows recruiters to have a smooth and streamlined interview process. During campus hirings, InCVid makes the entire process effortless, which results in better hiring of suitable candidates. Let us see some of its features:

  • High-quality video and audio for that smooth interview experience
  • Live code compiler to test candidates for tech roles
  • Customizable branding
  • Real-time feedback for better assessment
  • Inbuilt ATS
  • Calendar integration for interview scheduling
  • Record & Review Interviews
  • White-labeled feedback report


Video interview software has impacted campus hirings immensely by expanding reach, improving efficiency, being cost and time effective, and enhancing the candidate experience. Adapting video interview platforms enables employers to access a wider talent pool and hire top talent suitable for their organization. Students benefit from the convenience and flexibility of virtual interviews, presenting themselves in the best possible light while managing their academic commitments. As video interview software continues to advance, it will further reshape the landscape of campus hiring and transform the interview experience.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. Are campus hiring interviews conducted online?

Ans: Yes, many companies are now diverting toward video interviews for campus hiring as it has a global reach and is much more effective.

Q. How does video interview software help in bulk campus hiring?

Ans: Video interview software help in bulk campus hiring as they simplify the process and make it easier to conduct tons of interviews in a day. Video interview software help to streamline the process making it more efficient.

Q. Which video interview software provides customizable branding?

Ans: InCruiter’s InCVid provides customizable branding feature which allows brands to customize their logo on the interview portal.


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